Sponsored Coaching Sessions

Back to Services Page As part of our responsibility for community of students, we have two places every month sponsored for students/learners who have financial difficulty to pay for the coaching sessions. This sponsorship is possible due to generous contribution from...

When Assessments go Wrong

Can Universities go wrong in their assessments of learners? I searched and found very few instances that learners have approached courts for being wrongly assessed. Courts usually dont entertain these cases as a lot of trust is there on the academic integrity and...

What is the LO depth?

We were developing the learning outcomes for the penultimate semester of the program, which is very important. Five courses were being worked on, and all five are quite important to be assessed so that the professional coming out of the degree is competent. The first...

What is Teaching?

“Shaju, I love teaching. It is my passion.” I could relate to this statement, I also love teaching. The second statement my colleague stated made me think, “I dont like administartive jobs that come with being a teacher.” I just wondered...

Study Details

Title: Perception of teaching faculty in Formative Assessments in Undergraduate Dental Education – A Qualitative Study What is the purpose of this research?The interview-based study will explore the perception of teaching staff on formative assessments to identify the...

Machine Learning Workshop

#DataScienceAnalyticsCourseBDS “Can AI create a Monalisa?” “I didn’t realize that AI is already entrenched in Dentistry!” remarked a student midway through our workshop on Machine Learning. The workshop is part of the new Data Science and Analytics course in BDS...