Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob

I am known to my colleagues, friends, and students as Shaju. I am an academic with more than 20 years of experience in the field of higher education in health profession.

I have played various roles as resident tutor, lecturer, clinical supervisor, mentor, academic coach, faculty coach during my journey in academia. My area of interest is in the affective domain which primary deals with life essential soft skills.

I hold a PhD in Oral Epidemiology, Diploma in Health Profession Education, and am specialized in the dental discipline of periodontology. I am a certified life coach specialized in Academic coaching and Academic Faculty Coaching.


Why Choose Academic Coaching

Academic coaching or academic life coaching/academic success coaching primarily is work with students. The students in higher education especially in the professional stream work in an intense, stressful, and competitive environment. Working with me provides you a clearer perspective and charts your journey to success as you define. 

 Want to know if you are ready for coaching?


+60 10-521 6075