Title: Perception of teaching faculty in Formative Assessments in Undergraduate Dental Education – A Qualitative Study

What is the purpose of this research?
The interview-based study will explore the perception of teaching staff on formative assessments to identify the facilitators and barriers towards the implementation.

 How is the research conducted?
The research is a qualitative study where one-to-one in-depth online interviews with open ended questions will be conducted. Thematic analysis will be done for identifying emerging themes on the perceptions of teachers on formative assessments. All information shared will be recorded and treated anonymously and confidentially. The interview transcripts will be destroyed 3 weeks following analysis and reporting of the study.

Who can participate?
Do consider to be interviewed as a research participant if you are
-Passionate in facilitating learners in undergraduate dental education
-Continuously worked in a dental school, using English as first language, for at least 3 years
-Worked in capacity of developing/managing a course/module/program
-Have some experience in formative assessments 

How does this research help dental education?
The research will identify the barriers and facilitators for the implementation of the formative assessment based on the perceptions of teaching faculty.

Research Approval: The research is approved by IMU Joint Committee for Research and Ethics. A copy of journal publication of the research will be sent to participating faculty. 

Investigators: Dr Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob; Dr Lew Pit Hui

More information required?
Please contact Dr Pulikkotil Shaju Jacob, Associate Professor, School of Dentistry, International Medical University, Malaysia. [email protected]