Sponsored Coaching Sessions

Back to Services Page As part of our responsibility for community of students, we have two places every month sponsored for students/learners who have financial difficulty to pay for the coaching sessions. This sponsorship is possible due to generous contribution from...

Learners Motivation Paradox

I was observing a pattern, so subtle and stark at the same time. I interview prospective learners who apply to the dentistry program. I read in between lines and differentiate those who are passionate becoming a dentist and others. I am talking about those passionate...

Parent Adult Child – Relationship

“Don’t go for swimming today.” “Why not?” my ten-year-old retorted back. I didn’t have any response, so I meekly agreed for him to go swimming. Was he right in questioning my decision. Was I right in giving up rather than standing my ground or explaining him my...

Social Anxiety

“Why didn’t you come to the school dinner last night?” “Well, I think I have anxiety when in social settings”. ‘But, you came for the school retreat, didn’t your SA stop you then, eh!” Social Anxiety (SA) is psychological distress relating to the fear of negative...


“I have to jump from the top floor!”, a response to a knowledge gap from a final year student. As I started observing the interaction between teachers and students, I found many instances of sarcasm and belittlement. I reflected on myself if I also did the same. From...

Preparing for OSCE Dental School

I was observing the dental students at their OSCE. I could feel the tension in the air. The students have experienced OSCE before. “I think I missed a point in the last station.” “I didn’t have enough time.” I thought writing a blog to prepare for OSCE might remove...