“I want to do better in my studies, but don’t have the drive“
The first session with Tariq went no where. We both were to square one, there is no motivation to do well in studies. “What is the difference between A or C. Anyways, I will get the degree. But I feel bad when I don’t try enough. This is not me”. I could feel him, wants to excel but cannot pull himself together.
Our second session was better. Tariq had fear of ambiguity. He said that he performed better if clear directions were given. In his university, adult self-learning was practiced. There were vague directions. It was on Tariq to find ways to the end. A task was given to him, to do a task without any clear directions. The following interactions showed that he could do an ambiguous task. He changed his stream of study to something he was passionate about. Kudos!
“Why I didn’t try? Hmmm. I was afraid that I will fail. When I have friends around, I do it even without thinking about the outcome. This COVID has isolated me. What do I do?”
Have you been unmotivated? What were the reasons and how did you cope? Say in the comments.